Director of Catechesis and Evangelization – Kayla Truax |
Children’s Ministry and Religious Education Coordinator – Kate Rossman |
Children entering the Religious Education program for the first time will be placed in a grade corresponding to their grade in school, provided they have been attending either Catholic school or Religious Education classes in their previous parish.
Students who are entering a grade in which a sacrament is to be received must have attended Religious Education classes or Catholic school the previous year. Students wishing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation must have attended at least two years of Religious Education or Catholic school prior to receiving this sacrament.
Children who have had no previous religious catechesis will be placed in a grade after an interview with the Pastor and a Religious Education Director. The decision for catching up on the missing catechesis will be decided by the Pastor and a Religious Education Director.
All parish children are invited and encouraged to regularly attend the Religious Education classes. Children who belong to another parish will be accepted into our program if Religious Education classes are not offered at a time they can attend in their home parish.