Peace be with you. These were the words Jesus spoke to his disciples after his death. They were feeling anything but peaceful at the time, but with these words they began to gain a new understanding of Jesus’ death and resurrection and the promise they gave for everlasting life.
Like the disciples, we too often feel anything but peaceful at the time of the death of a loved one, no matter how prepared we were for it. But also, like the disciples, we have this promise of everlasting life which sustains us and gives us peace in the hope that we will be reunited with those we love.
If you recently lost a loved one, please accept our sincere sympathies and know that we are committed to helping you celebrate the funeral rites in a way that honors their life in a truly beautiful and dignified way. Families will be assisted by our staff and meet with one of our priests to review funeral liturgy details. Our parish community stands ready to offer our ministry of consolation to you in this time of need. Please call the parish office at 419-589-2114 ext. 501 to discuss and plan the funeral liturgy.